Sunday, November 11, 2018

Hypnotherapy As an Alternative to Weight Loss Surgery

In recent years the number of people using weight loss surgery has increased dramatically.

But for every person who does have a gastric band or bypass, there are many others who are unable or unwilling to undergo surgery. This could be down to health concerns, the cost or a lack of availability.

An alternative solution for those people could be to use hypnotherapy for weight loss. Hypnotherapy helps your mind to think differently about food and helps to change the habits that are often the cause of the extra weight.

It's that mental change that is the key to success in weight loss. Even with the various surgical methods, you still need to change what and how much you eat, otherwise the weight loss won't happen.

One of the main factors of obesity for a lot of people is comfort eating. Having an alternative way of dealing with emotions means that you are less likely to turn to food for comfort and so less likely to put on weight. Hypnotherapy combined with cognitive behaviour therapy can help you to think differently about situations that make you unhappy so that you react differently and don't rely on food for comfort.

What happens in a hypnotherapy for weight loss session will depend on the individual hypnotherapist. Everyone has their own way of doing things. Some hypnotherapists will design sessions specifically for each client and others will follow a predefined programme.

Most hypnotherapists will discuss each of the issues that are related to the weight problem. Then they will address each of those with suggestions whilst you are hypnotised.

Some hypnotherapists conduct a session where you experiences a hypnotic gastric band. The session takes you through the surgical process under hypnosis. That may appeal to some people but wouldn't be suitable if you are using hypnotherapy because you don't want the surgery.

To reinforce the weight loss suggestions you may be given a CD to listen to which might be a generic weight loss CD or might be a recording of your own session. Other hypnotherapists may ask you to practise self hypnosis or one of the meridian energy techniques.

The number of recommended sessions will vary, usually from around 4-10. They could be weekly sessions or there might be a longer gap between some of them.

If you are considering hypnotherapy for weight loss then do some research into the best hypnotherapist for you. It's important to find someone who you feel comfortable with and who you feel has the relevant experience.

Hydrating For Performance

Hydrate-Hydrate-Hydrate!! As we say goodbye to the cold weather (I hope I didn't jinx anything by saying that) and hello to the hot, sunny days more and more people will be taking their activities and workouts outside. While hydration is always important, it becomes especially important in the warm weather.

Dehydration will affect your endurance performance and will also affect your power, strength and high intensity endurance... you'll simply have to work harder to do the same exercise when you are in a dehydrated state. Besides affecting performance, dehydration will also degrade your short-term memory, coordination, attention and mental focus... pretty bad huh?

Thirst will probably be the first indicator that you are becoming dehydrated---you are actually already dehydrated if you are thirsty. Other signs include nausea, vomiting, headaches, flushed skin, light-headed, fatigue, rapid breathing, weakness and muscle cramps. So, it's pretty clear that you should avoid this state as it doesn't sound so pleasant.

So now you're asking how much should you be drinking? Well, I'm glad you asked because I'm going to tell you. Most studies are done on sedentary people so keeping that in mind a male should consume on average 13 cups of water per day and women 9 cups per day. I'm talking measured cups not finding the biggest cup in the house and drinking 9-13 glasses of that. Also, everyone is unique so this is a guideline only.

Given that this is a baseline for inactive people, those that are involved in sports or an exercise program will need more. That being the case, it's a good idea to pre-hydrate before working out, drink during your workout and then take in more fluids after your workout. The goal is to keep your fluid losses under 2%... the point at which your performance will start to suffer. To pre-hydrate, aim to drink 2-3 cups of water 2 hours before your activity (it's actually 1.75-2.75 cups but I rounded up... I'm good at math like that) During exercise you want to be in the 1 cup of water every 15-20 minutes range (or as needed if it's particularly hot out) and then after exercise 2-3 cups for every pound of body weight lost. Ya, I know, that one will be hard but if you want to do it right you should weigh yourself before and then after exercise. So if after jogging you find you lost 2 pounds, you want to drink 4-6 cups of water... then probably go to the bathroom with all the water you've been drinking.

Are sports drinks OK? They aren't bad. Generally, if your activity is 1 hour or less, stick to water. If you'll be going hard for over an hour then a sports drink is recommended. A sports drink containing 8% carbohydrate is the best choice... which most big brand drinks are such as Gatorade.

Let's not forget the kids... they need water too!! Youth need to be especially mindful of proper hydration. Youth don't adapt as well to high temperatures like an adult can. Kids actually produce more heat than adults and have a lower sweat capacity. As a result, their body temperatures can increase to unsafe levels during exercise in hot conditions so parents, monitor them closely as they head out to engage in their summer sports.

As a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Youth Exercise Specialist, I specialize in helping people lose weight, increase lean body mass and reach their general fitness goals. With years of experience, I have helped people of all ages become more active and increase their self-esteem in the process.

Hunger Vs Cravings and the Solution

Have you ever noticed that when you are in certain 'moods' you tend to want to eat certain types of food? This is what is known as a craving and very often people use these cravings as a way to control their state! The problem is that the sort of foods that are eaten during a craving can have a few too many calories in them, which will be detrimental to your weight loss efforts.

Do you know what my number 1 food craving is? It's chocolate, and I don't think I'm the only one! The real trick to controlling your cravings is by becoming aware of the difference between hunger and a craving. After all those 'little' sweet treats don't seem so bad when you think are hungry!


Let's be honest here, one of the most addictive substances on earth is sugar, some studies even draw the conclusion that it is more addictive than cocaine and caffeine! That's why if you have ever been on diet and then had a piece of chocolate you suddenly find you can't stop!

Cravings are usually caused by changes in your mood and your body will try to use certain types of food in order to control your state. Cravings also commonly occur after a meal and will be stronger if you are currently dieting. But don't worry, as long as you can hold off the urge to eat your favourite types of food, the craving will pass with time!


This is a feeling that doesn't pass with time as I'm sure you know by now and can result in a headache or in weakness! The feeling of hunger will occur if you haven't eaten in a while, but I'm sure that is the obvious part. Hunger can be satisfied with a healthy meal and isn't a feeling for one specific type of food as is with a craving.

The solution to cravings

The best solution to your cravings will be to distract yourself from them! I don't know about you, but my cravings usually hit when I'm bored so naturally this works best for people like me. Try reading, listening to some good music or even calling a friend.

But if you really wanted to boost your weight loss efforts you can always try distracting yourself with exercise when you feel your cravings hit! And as a backup always keep fresh fruit with you where ever you go so that if you can't fight the craving, you always have something healthy to snack on!

In order to burn your stubborn body fat and get to your ideal weight, it is vital to have a greater self-awareness of your body and to remember the difference between your cravings and your hunger! And remember that if you do slip up and consume more calories than what you should have, it's not the end of the world, there is always another day to do better!

Justin has been a part of the weight loss industry for a number of years, first as a consumer and now as a teacher. In his own words, he says, "I used to be overweight until people started making rude comments and that is when decided that enough is enough, and lost the weight for good!" He has been at his goal weight for the last 10 years and has never looked back!

How Yoga Helps With Weight Loss

If you have a question about whether yoga helps with weight loss and how to lose weight in a sustainable way, this article might help. Losing your weight in a traditional way means losing more calories than the calories you take. You can achieve that with a strict diet plan and a serious body training program or other sports like jogging, swimming, weight training, biking and so on.

However, for those who have some sorts of physical injuries and would like to take a milder approach to exercise while not having to stress yourself out too much on the diet plan, yoga for weight loss might be the answer.


Yoga can burn only 3-6 calories per minute. With a 60 minutes practice session, you will consume only 180-360 maximum. To lose a pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories.

That isn't close to the weight loss goal, right? Maybe you might want to take another exercise to help you burn more calories but wait. There are many factors why practicing fat burning yoga is useful to you in a long run when it comes to weight loss and gets into shape plan.


1. By practicing fat burning yoga, you get to practice your breath and concentration. In each pose, you get to meditate along the way by focusing on your breath to be in line with the movement of your body. That helps you get more in touch with your body and calm your mind.

It helps you lift up or dissolve your stress and be in the presence with yourself. It helps reconnect you with your soul. By that way, you eventually lose your stress eating habit. And it comes naturally to you.

2. Yoga helps with many areas of your physical fitness. Your balance, flexibility, improved metabolism, and more muscle mass too.

The flexibility is the key to improving your back pain caused by a tight hamstring and overall body aching. It improves energy flow in your body and blood circulation system that makes you more youthful.

3. Practicing yoga helps you get in touch with your body and have more control over it. You feel the good energy flow in your body, and that generates the need to take good care of yourself. You become gradually more careful about what you eat and more inclined to choose healthy food over junks.

4. Yoga is known as an excellent way to stretch and enable flexibility. With the flexibility of your body, you will feel stronger, firmer and more confident.

It allows you to achieve many goals and do many things you want to do including helping you with your sex life. That gives you the happy hormone you need to stay away from unhealthy diet or stress eating.

5. By practicing yoga correctly with the breathing exercise, you get to improve your self-awareness. The awareness helps you to become mindful with what you take into your body and stops you from taking in the bad things you shouldn't do to yourself.

6. Fat burning yoga doesn't cost you a fortune. The best thing about yoga I love so much is that it can be done practically anywhere even in a small space. All your investment is a mat, a good guide book or a good DVD to guide you through the poses.

You can do it anytime at your comfort and schedule. However, you need to learn and understand the breathing system and the poses before start practicing on your own as injuries can occur as well as negative result from doing the wrong poses or in a wrong way.

7. Fat burning yoga and yoga, in general, is a gentle workout that can make you sweat a bucket or two. However, as it is so gentle, you can do it as long as you want like 2-3 hours a day and every day a week.

8. The weight loss with fat burning yoga is sustainable. You improve your awareness, your metabolism, your flexibility, your muscle mass and your balance by practicing regular fat burning yoga. These help you achieve the new you and the new habit not just the new body and it is sustainable.

9. One thing, though. The effectiveness of yoga for weight loss is all about releasing your stress, and that helps you become a happier person and equip you with the ability to cope things in your life with a positive attitude. So being able to fit your fat burning yoga practice in your busy schedule with ease and no hassle would be the key to achieving your weight loss goal.

If going to gyms or yoga classes wore you out with the fixed schedule, the packed room and different levels of expertise, you might want to consider a tailor-made program designed for women's bodies. Follow this link below to discover how you can lose weight and get into shape quickly and more efficiently as well as improving every area of your life by practicing fat burning yoga in just 12 weeks.

How Weight Loss Protein Shakes Can Help You Get Ready for the Beach

You have been working hard to save for that well deserved summer holiday and it is now only 4 months before you pack your suitcase and jet off for a week. Excited at the thought of lounging around on the beach topping up on your tan, whilst reading your favourite books and sipping your favourite drinks.

For many of us, before we go away on our holiday one of our goals is to lose weight and to drop a dress size before we have to get into our bikini or swimming trunks.

Going to the gym is an ideal way to tone up and loose those extra pounds. You will initially be given a workout routine depending on what your goal will be. You will use resistance machines to tone up or jump on the treadmill or cycle work to burn those extra calories.

The plan will be given to you in the form of a tailored work out routine for you to achieve your goals and lose those extra pounds.

The gym is a great start but you will need to fuel your body before and after exercising to gain the maximum benefits from your new healthy regime. There is no better way than to do this than in the form of protein.

This natural vitamin is the latest buzz health word. A visit to the local supermarket will see an awful lot of products to claim to have a particularly high content; from yogurt to snack bars.

What is protein? It helps build, protect and maintain tissue in your body. A lot of our body contains it, from muscle to organs and even our immune system. When we digest it our stomachs turn it into amino acids, these acids are the building blocks for our bodies. Eating this type of product keeps us fuller for longer.

Research has found that there are 22 different types within our bodies. 13 of them can be made naturally within our bodies, but that leaves 9 that cannot. We can however get the other 9 from making sure are diets contain protein rich foods.

There are an abundance of naturally occurring high protein foods that are available to us. Chicken, pork and many others forms of meat, nuts, seeds, yogurt, beans, lentils and even eggs all have a high content. There really is something for everyone to get the desired intake they require.

Are there other ways in which we can get it? Yes you will be happy to know that you do not have to sit down to a plate of chicken before you go to the gym. All in one weight loss shakes are readily available and are an easy convenient way to get all the nutrition your body requires in an all in one meal replacement weight loss shake.

The shakes are fortified with vitamins and minerals so you do not lose out on the essential building blocks your body needs after a hard work out, and will help repair and build your muscles. Eventually turning the wobbly bits into firm and toned areas you will be proud to show off. They will also keep you fuller for longer which will stop the need for reaching for those sugary snacks.

Did you know that there are specific gender weight loss protein shakes. Female shakes offer a lower fat, sugar, carbohydrate and calorie content than the male versions. All of which can help in any weight loss exercise plan that is being undertaken. They offer faster recovery rates by providing the correct amount of vitamins and minerals.

Weight loss protein shakes can be purchased online from varying companies. A general search for this type of product will bring up a whole host of different retailers. Specific female only companies are also available to save you the time of sifting through the relevant products for you.